Elderly Dental Care

Elderly Dental Care

Taking care of gums and teeth can save your teeth for life. Make sure that when you are young, you grow the habit of brushing and flossing daily to avoid tooth decay and cavities. So, when it’s to elderly dental care, it is really essential to maintain dental hygiene. When it comes to oral care, the Elderly are more vulnerable to tooth decay and gum diseases. Unhygienic dental health care habits of youth have adverse effects on the gums and teeth and result in poor dental hygiene.
Elderly Dental Care

Elderly Dental Problems

For elderly dental care, all the plaque which does gums inflammation is the leading cause of tooth decay. Elderly individuals may experience several problems that result in poor dental health care.

  • Bad breath
  • Loose teeth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Teeth sensitivity
  • Shrinking of gums
  • Unable to clean teeth
  • Cleaning dentures or bridges
  • Elderly Dental Health Problems
  • With age elderly experience a number of dental health problems.

Darker Teeth:

Elderly Dental Care

With aging elderly people, the tissue that sits beneath the tooth enamel changes color because of poor oral hygiene routine and a lifetime of consuming beverages and sugary food. So, take elderly people to dental health care specialists to get checked as this could be a sign of a bigger problem.

Dry Mouth:

Few illnesses can cause the mouth to dry in elderly people. This could result from side effects of medication or some medical procedures, which can decrease the saliva flow and cause problems for the elderly oral health.

Root Decay:

Since dental roots don’t have enamel to protect them from decay, plaque develops more in the roots and is more prone to decay. So, ensure that the elderly dental health care is appropriately cared for.

Gum Disease:

Poor oral health care results in a lot of plaque in the teeth, and food particles left in the teeth are even worse than that for elderly dental health care. Poorly fitted dentures and bridges too cause problems for elderly individuals.

Try the best oral care for long-lasting teeth, and for the best dental clinic in Dubai, use economical dental services at Yes! Maam.
Elderly Dental Care

Tips for Elderly Dental Care

For elderly dental care, a proper dental care routine is needed, as elderly people neglect dental care, and if dental hygiene is neglected, it will result in poor oral hygiene. So, to maintain good dental care.

  • Brush the teeth twice a day
  • Floss the teeth regularly
  • Use the mouthwash daily
  • Visit the dentist health care provider every three to four months

What the Elderly should Expect During a Dental checkup

If you are elderly or have an elderly person at home, make sure to visit the dental health care expert thrice a week so the problem can be detected way before it becomes severe. So, during the dental checkup, the doctor will track the following procedure: 

  • Signs of oral cancer and infections 
  • Difficulty in the bite, jaw, or teeth 
  • If there is some sign of lumps or swelling 
  • Tooth decay, condition, cracks, and fillings
  • Gum tissues and soft and hard palate issues 
  • Check the neck and face for any abnormality 
  • Any traumatic injury or infection on the inner cheeks
    Elderly Dental Care

When to seek medical help

Yes! Maam provides dental care services in Dubai; our dental clinic also provides home services for elderly dental health. Right now, at Yes! Maam dental clinic Dubai we are offering free dental care appointments for elderly individuals. Try to visit the dental care specialist every three to four months if you are elderly and experiencing any dental problems. Also, opt for dental services such as cleaning and checkup regularly to save the teeth for longer.

Written By:
Momna Aziz

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